Prisme 6
Edition 2024/2025
The inclusion of refugee and migrant pupils in education systems: a European integration issue
More than ever, all European countries are faced with a large influx of young migrants and refugees, sometimes with little or no previous schooling in their countries of origin, fleeing conflicts and/or facing difficult social situations that school systems need to address. In partnership with the CASNAVs of Aix-Marseille and Nice, the academic centers for the education of newly-arrived allophone pupils and children from itinerant and traveler families, the Prisme 6 2024/2025 edition focuses on “The inclusion of refugee and migrant pupils in education systems: a European integration challenge”.
What role does this play in other European Union countries? How does it fit into students’ educational careers? What challenges does it face?
To better prepare participants for their mobility, a reflection on the challenges of including refugee and migrant students in European education systems was proposed during the launch seminar at the Lycée Saint-Charles in Marseille in October 2024. Some interesting resources can be consulted below:
Rapport Eurydice – L’intégration des élèves issus de l’immigration
Rapport DREIC – L’inclusion scolaire des élèves migrants en UE
Dossier de synthèse CNESCO – Les inégalités sociales et migratoires à l’école
Accueillir des élèves migrants dans des écoles européennes : réalités et enjeux – Sarah Degée
The Persistance of Marginalisation – Virginie Baby-Collin et Luna Russo
Prisme 5
Edition 2023/2024
Digital technology, a key to academic success for tomorrow’s enlightened actors
Each year, the Erasmus+ Prisme mobility program focuses on a specific theme. More than ever, digital technology is becoming an increasingly essential dimension of education, and the European Union has adopted a Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027). In partnership with DRANE (Direction régionale académique au numérique éducatif), the 2023/2024 edition of Prisme 5 focuses on :
What role does it play in other European Union countries? How does it fit in with educational practices and student career paths? What challenges does it face?
To help participants prepare for their mobility, the launch seminar at the Collège Sophie Germain de Luynes in October 2023 included a discussion of digital issues at academic, national and European levels. Some interesting resources can be consulted below: :
FR – Rapport Eurydice sur l’Éducation numérique à l’école en Europe
Le numérique éducatif : un portrait européen
Plan d’action en matière d’éducation numérique 2021-2027
Soutien de l’UE à la numérisation des écoles – Un rapport de 2023
Prisme 4
Edition 2022/2023
Physical and sports education as a school subject in other European countries
The Erasmus+ Prisme mobility program focuses on a specific theme each year. In anticipation of the 2024 Olympic Games and to initiate a cooperative dynamic with regional “youth and sport” directorates, the 2022/2023 Prisme 4 edition concerns the challenges of physical and sports education as a school discipline in other European countries.
What role does it play in other EU countries? How does it fit into students’ learning paths? What meaning does it have?
To better prepare participants for their mobility, a presentation of PE teaching in European Union countries and in France was given at the launch seminar at the Lycée Paul Cézanne in Aix-en-Provence in October 2022. The proceedings can be downloaded below:
Présentation de l’Inspecteur général Jean-Marc Serfaty sur les enjeux de l’enseignement du sport en Europe
Présentation des IA/IPR Gwladys Vasseur et Benjamin Fanjaud sur les enjeux de l’enseignement de l’EPS en France
Other interesting resources :
EN – Rapport Eurydice sur l’éducation physique et le sport à l’école en Europe
FR – Résumé du rapport Eurydice sur l’éducation physique et le sport à l’école en Europe
FR – article de journal sur l’EPS et le sport : spécificité et complémentarité
EN – Livre comparatif sur la formation des professeurs d’EPS dans l’Union Européenne
Prisme 6
Prisme 5
Prisme 4