Presentation of the country
Federal Republic
Public holidays : 26 october
Official language: German
Area code : 43
Capital : Vienne
Surface area : 83 871 km²
Population : 8,9 millions
Date of EU accession: 1995
Grow rate : 4,6 %
Unemployment rate : 5,1 %
Source :
The education system
Principales caractéristiques du système éducatif
In accordance with Article 14 of the Austrian Federal Constitutional Law, as amended (Bundesverfassungs-Gesetz, B-VG, art. 14), democracy, humanity, solidarity, peace and justice, openness and tolerance towards all, regardless of race, social status or financial background, are fundamental principles of education in Austria.
Concerning kindergartens and nurseries, the provinces (Bundesländer) are responsible for legislation and implementation, and are largely maintained by the municipalities (Gemeinden). However, there is also a large private sector.
The responsibility for legislation and implementation of the schools is divided between the federation (Bund) and the provinces (Bundesländer), where it is carried out by the provincial parliaments (Landtage) and provincial government offices (Ämter der Landesregierungen). In the specific areas listed in the constitution, the federation sets the framework, while detailed legislation is implemented by the provincial parliaments. The federation has overwhelming responsibility for the education system, including virtually all areas of school organization, the organization of school education, private schools and the law on the remuneration and retirement of educational staff.
The legislation and execution of all matters relating to universities and higher education are a federal responsibility. Freedom of scholarship and teaching and freedom of the arts are guaranteed by constitutional law.
Organisation of the education system
Since 2010, compulsory kindergarten attendance has been introduced for 5-year-olds (i.e. children one year before starting school).
An important aspect of the Austrian school system is the strong diversification of curricula at all levels of education. Austria has a strong vocational education sector.
Early age orientation (at ages 10 and 14) has been the subject of educational reforms, but remains a fact.
General compulsory schooling lasts until the age of 15 in Austria. Since the 2016/17 school year, all young people who have not yet reached the age of 18 will have to continue their education or training after completing general compulsory schooling.
The Education Reform Act 2017 (Bildungsreformgesetz 2017) established a new governance model for the education system and evidence-based quality assurance:
- Definition of a comprehensive school quality framework
- Regular data collection on all aspects of school quality
- Availability of this data to all levels of school administration
- Production of annual school reports
- New school inspection and evaluation system
Groupe de mobilité
Ecole primaire la Tour
Host Organisations
Institutional Partner
Host Organisations
Type/Level of the organisation
Niveau primaire
Mobility Group
Host organisations