
Presentation of the country


Parliamentary Republic
National holiday: March 25
Official language: Greek
Area code: 30

Capital: Athens
Surface area: 131,957 km²
Population: 10.65 million
Date of EU accession: 1981

Growth rate: 8.4
Unemployment rate: 11.6

Source :

The education system

Principal characteristics of the education system

Free education for all citizens at all levels of the public education system is a constitutional principle of the Greek state.
The Greek education system is centralized. National laws, presidential decrees and ministerial acts prevail.

Central level
The Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs is the central administrative body for the education system in all areas, agencies and levels.
It makes key decisions relating to long-term objectives. It also regulates various issues, such as curriculum content, staff recruitment and funding.

Regional and local levels
At regional level, regional education directorates oversee the implementation of national education policy.
At local level, the directorates of primary and secondary education supervise all the schools in their region. In turn, the school units ensure that they operate smoothly.

The country’s education officials are university graduates. Teaching in elementary school requires a 4-year degree in a pedagogical department.
In secondary schools, most teachers follow a four- or five-year program at a teacher training college.

Organisation of the education system

It  Compulsory education in Greece lasts 11 years, from ages 4 to 15. There are two main stages in Greek education:

1. Primary school education

In Greece, kindergarten (Nipiagogeio) has become compulsory for all 4-year-olds since the 2018-2019 school year. Since the 2020-2021 school year, all municipalities in the country have been implementing compulsory two-year kindergarten at age 4.
Infant centers (Vrefikoi Stathmoi), infant and child centers (Vrefonipiakoi Stathmoi) and children’s centers (Paidikoi Stathmoi) represent early childhood care. They are under the responsibility of municipal authorities and cater for children aged 2 months to 4 years.

Primary school
After kindergarten, children aged 4 to 6 follow primary school. Elementary school (Dimotiko Scholeio) lasts 6 years. It covers children aged 6 to 12.
Since the 2016-2017 school year, there has been just one type of full-time elementary school with a new, revised daily timetable

2. Secondary school education
Secondary education comprises two cycles: 

Lower secondary education
It is compulsory and corresponds to lower secondary school (Gymnasio). It lasts 3 years and provides a general education. It covers ages 12-15 and is a prerequisite for enrolment in general or vocational upper secondary schools.
Alongside the Day Gymnasium, the Evening Gymnasium (Esperino) operates. Participation begins at age 14.

Upper secondary education
It is optional, it can be general or vocational upper secondary school (Geniko or Epaggelmatiko Lykeio). It lasts 3 years and students enroll at age 15.
Two different type of upper secondary education
1. General (Geniko) Lykeio. It lasts 3 years and includes both common core subjects and optional specialization subjects.
2. Vocational (Epaggelmatiko) Lykeio.

Education and formation lifelong learning

Lifelong learning policy in Greece is part of a broader development plan. The General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning and the General Secretariat for Youth plan public policy on lifelong learning. Non-formal education can lead to nationally-recognized qualifications. Lifelong learning is available at :

    • Vocational training institutes (Institouta Epaggelmatikis Katartisis)
    • Lifelong learning centers (Kentra Dia Viou Mathisis)
    • Vocational schools (Scholes Epaggelmatikis Katartisis)
    • Colleges (Kollegia)

Mobility Group




La Seyne-sur-Mer


La Seyne-sur-Mer

Personnel administratif

La Seyne-sur-Mer

Enseignante de lettres




Enseignante de FLS


Coordonnatrice académique


IA/IPR de Lettres


Principal adjoint

Host Organisations

Institutional   Partner

Host organisations



Type/ Level of the organisation



Niveau secondaire



Niveau secondaire


Mobility Group 

Host organisations