
Presentation of the country


Parliamentary Republic
National holiday: June 2
Official language: Italian
Area code: 39

Capital: Rome
Surface area: 302,073 km²
Population: 60.48 million
Date of EU accession: 1957

Growth rate: 6.7
Unemployment rate: 7.8

Source :

The education system

Principal characteristics of the education system


The education system is organized according to the principles of subsidiarity and institutional autonomy. The state has exclusive legislative powers over the general organization of the education system (e.g., minimum educational standards, school personnel, quality assurance, state financial resources). The Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) is responsible for the general administration of education at national level. Its decentralized offices (Uffici Scolastici Regionali) guarantee the application of general provisions and compliance with minimum performance requirements and standards.

The regions have joint responsibility with the state for certain areas of the education system (e.g. the school calendar, the distribution of schools within their territory, the right to study at tertiary level). The regions have exclusive legislative competence for the organization of the regional vocational education and training system.
Local authorities organize provision (e.g. maintenance of premises, merging or creating schools, pupil transport).

Schools enjoy a high degree of autonomy: they define programs, expand educational offerings and organize teaching (school hours and student groups). Every three years, schools draw up their own Plan for Educational Offerings (PTOF).

At higher education level, universities and high-level artistic and musical teaching establishments (Afam) have statutory, regulatory, pedagogical and organizational autonomy.


Italy’s education system is essentially state-run. However, private and public bodies can set up educational establishments. These non-state schools can be either equal to state schools (called scuole paritarie), or simply private. The latter cannot issue qualifications. State schools are funded directly by the state. Paritarian schools receive state contributions according to criteria established annually by the Ministry of Education. Parental schooling during compulsory education is an option only under certain conditions. Students attending a purely private school or a parent school must pass specific exams to prove that they have acquired the expected skills


Education at all levels must be open to all: Italian citizens as well as foreign minors, whether EU citizens or not. Compulsory education is free of charge. The principle of inclusion also applies to disabled pupils, socially and economically disadvantaged pupils and immigrant pupils. In such circumstances, measures focus on personalization and didactic flexibility and, in the case of immigrants with a low level of Italian, on linguistic support. The State also guarantees the right to education to pupils/students who are unable to attend school because they are hospitalized, detained or at home for a long illness.

The teaching profession

The initial education of teachers from pre-primary to upper secondary education takes place at tertiary level, with programs leading to a Master’s degree. Teaching programs at pre-primary and primary levels differ from those at secondary level. Pre-primary and primary school teachers must hold a Master’s degree from a specific 5-year single-cycle university program. The program aims to develop both subject and teaching skills, and includes internship activities from the second year of study. Secondary school teachers must hold a Master’s degree from a two-year graduate program at either a university or an Afam institution (for art, music and dance teachers). The program focuses on the acquisition of subject-related skills. Once they have obtained the relevant qualification, future teachers are required to sit a nationally open competitive examination. Those who pass the competition begin a three-year training course which, if positively assessed, leads to a permanent contract. This procedure for recruiting secondary school teachers was recently introduced. Until 2015, after completing the two-year graduate program, teachers are required to complete a one-year internship aimed at acquiring teaching skills. Continuing professional development is mandatory.

Organisation of the education system

The Italian education and training system includes ECEC (0-3 and 3-6), primary, secondary, post-secondary and higher education.
Early childhood education and care (ECEC)
ECEC for children under 3 years of age is provided by educational services (servizi educativi).
ECEC for children aged 3 to 6 is available in pre-primary schools (scuole dell’infanzia).
The two form a single ECEC system, called the “integrated system”, which is part of the education system and is not compulsory. Although part of the same system, CEEC 0-3 is organized by the Regions according to unique regional legislation. The 3-6 offer is the responsibility of the Ministry of Education.

Compulsory education

Compulsory education begins at age 6 and lasts from age 10 to 16. It covers the entire first cycle of education and two years of the second cycle. The last two years of compulsory education can be attended either at an upper secondary school or as part of the regional vocational education and training system.
Compulsory education can be provided either in state schools, in parity schools or, under certain conditions, in private or home schools.
In addition, everyone has the right and duty (diritto/dovere) to receive education and training for at least 12 years within the education system, or until they have obtained a three-year vocational qualification at the age of 18.

Primary education

The first education cycle is compulsory and comprises primary and lower secondary education. Primary school (scuola primaria) starts at age 6 and lasts 5 years.

Lower secondary education (scuola secondaria di I grado) begins at age 11 and lasts 3 years. In the first cycle, students pass from one level to the next without an exam. At the end of the first cycle, students who pass the final state exam go straight on to the second cycle, the first two years of which are compulsory.

Second cycle of education

The second cycle of education begins at the age of 14 and offers two different paths: :

    • Upper secondary education
    • Regional vocational training system (IFP)
    • The first two years of upper secondary education are compulsory.

Upper secondary education (scuola secondaria di II grado) offers both general (liceo) and vocational (technical and professional) programs. Courses last 5 years. At the end of the second cycle of secondary education, students who pass the final exam receive a certificate that gives them access to higher education. The regional vocational training system (IFP) offers three- or four-year courses organized by accredited training organizations or high schools. At the end of regional courses, learners receive a qualification that gives them access to regional second-cycle vocational courses or, under certain conditions, to short-cycle courses at higher education level.

Reforms in vocational training provision include :

  • the creation of basic vocational training cycles (these can be taken by students aged between 15 and 17, among other admission conditions that have been established)
  • the development by educational authorities of dual vocational training within the education system.

Higher education includes university and vocational studies. University education is provided in universities, and advanced vocational training is provided in the same establishments as those offering intermediate vocational training.

Mobility Group





Head Teacher


Italian teacher


Administrative assistant


IA-IPR Philosophy


Academic coordinator


Project officer


Assistant Head Teacher

Host Organisations

Institutional Partner

Host organisations



Level/Type of the organisation



Niveau primaire et collège



Niveau lycée technique



Niveau lycée


Mobility Group

Host organisations